Monday, November 19, 2007

Well Well

Here I am, once again, trying to blog. My previous attempts failed miserably as I will enthusiastically write in some entry on my Friendster blog, and thereafter delete it off after asking myself "do I really want everybody to know whats going on in my life? Do I really need to show my underwear to the public?"

So, there are two reasons why I am blogging now. I've deleted friendster. Secondly, working at a law firm as an intern isn't really one of the most exciting things in life.

As for my blog address, I had a few considerations. At first I wanted it to be something cool like Nemesis - the goddess of vengeance according to ancient Egyptian religion. Then it prompted me that that username has already been taken. It also gave suggestions such "vas-nemesis" and "vas-vasaantha", all of which i obviously didn't fancy. Then i thought ok nevermind, let's try something abstract, like Singapore shortfilms nowadays. So i thought let's try "Death" or like "coffin" or "chocolate" and all of those were rejected as well. So in my frustration, I typed hoolahey. N there.

So once again, I'm going to attempt to write bits and pieces of my opinions. I'll see how long this lasts.

1 comment:

ray of light said...

so.... this is your big history behind ur name! interesting.. *winkz*